
Doritos Crash Super Bowl Ad Contest 2024 (Doritoscrash.com)

This is your once in a lifetime opportunity to showcase your talent to the world, If you think you can do better, Enter the Doritos Crash Super Bowl Ad Contest now by submitting a video featuring Doritos that could be aired during the Super Bowl LIX broadcast and stand a chance to win amazing prizes, including a $1 million cash prize!

How To Enter The Doritos Crash Super Bowl Ad Contest:

  1. Complete the registration form on the contest website, https://www.doritoscrash.com.
  2. Make a video featuring Doritos.
  3. Submit a link to your unlisted YouTube video, following the on-screen instructions.
  4. Ensure your video meets the requirements outlined in the Official Rules.
  5. Confirm that you have permission from all people appearing in your video.
  6. Agree to the use of your video and likeness for contest purposes.

Note – Your ad video should be creative and better than others to win the grand prize.

Voting Period:

  • From January 23, 2025, to January 30, 2025, visitors to the contest website can vote on the Finalist videos.
  • The Finalist with the most votes will be named the Grand Prize Winner, announced around February 3, 2025.

You can also check past winner’s videos to get some idea:

Entry Form Link:https://www.doritoscrash.com
Start Date:September 19, 2024 at 9:00 a.m. Eastern Time (“ET”).
End Date:November 11, 2024 at 2:59 p.m. ET.
Region Detail:Legal resident of 50 United States or the District of Columbia or Puerto Rico.
Age Requirement:18+
Sponsor:Frito-Lay, Inc. 7701 Legacy Drive, Plano, TX 75024-4099.
Entry Frequency:Limited Entries (Up to 10)
No. Of Winners:25
Contest Rules:Click Here


  • Semi-Finalist Prizes: 22 Semi-Finalists will each receive $2,000.
  • Finalist Prizes: 2 Finalists will each receive $20,000.
  • Grand Prize: The Grand Prize Winner will receive $1,000,000 and a trip for two to Super Bowl LIX, valued at $49,100. The winning video may also air during the Super Bowl.

Winners are responsible for any taxes on the prize. Prizes will be distributed via ACH transfer within 4-6 weeks of the contest ending.

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