Bosch Product Review Sweepstakes

Write a review of your Bosch product and enter for a chance to win a $500 VISA prepaid card!

To participate in the Sweepstakes, entrants are required to submit a review of a Bosch appliance within the Sweepstakes Period. Each review must include the entrant’s legal first and last name, email address, and phone number on the review submission form.

Entrants are eligible to submit one (1) review per Bosch appliance purchased. Reviews may be submitted for each unique appliance model purchased; however, multiple reviews for the same appliance/model are not permitted. Additionally, entrants must use a single email address for all entries and may not submit entries under multiple email addresses.

Sweepstakes Link:
Start Date:November 1, 2024
End Date:December 31, 2024
Region Detail:Legal resident of 50 United States and District of Columbia.
Age Requirement:18+
Sponsor:BSH Home Appliances
Corporation, 1901 Main Street, Suite 600, Irvine CA 92614
Entry Frequency:Single Entry.
No. Of Winners:1
Sweepstakes Rules:Click Here


1 Winner – A $500.00 VISA prepaid card.

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